Free Workouts
Looking for some inspiration for your next workout?
Check out our latest routine put together by our expert personal trainers. Why not screenshot it and follow it during your next session?

Here you will find some of our best read articles on everything to do with Nutrition, Fat Loss, Lifestyle and Muscle Gain. From how to get better sleep, to reading more in depth about nutrition. These articles have it all and are continually updated.

In this section you’ll find exercise execution videos to help you in the gym. We go into incredible detail in the videos but we explain it in an easy and simple way for you to follow.

Home Workouts
In this video series we are going to be teaching you the "basics" of Home Workouts.

Online Seminars
With the gym being out of action for the foreseeable… we want to continue to offer value to everyone who comes into contact with Fitness Plus! So, please allow us to introduce to you our FREE Online Seminars delivered to you via Zoom.