How to build muscle mass
The definition of hypertrophy is the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells.
In layman's term... big muscles.
- Big muscles scare a lot of people, women especially. Most women in the gym will avoid the weight section like the plague. They settle for the cardio equipment and run along side their friend, moving onto the cross trainer and then finally the bike.
- The difference is with weights is it breaks micro fibres within muscle tissue. The job of protein then is to help rebuild and repair muscle tissue (this is commonly what people call toning up).
- So when women say they want more shape in their bum and legs, and less bingo wings the one thing they should do is lift weights.
The most common thing women will then say is "I don't want to be muscly". Women have nowhere near as much testosterone in the body as males do, therefore their muscle building abilities differ!
- One thing people mistake is "turning fat into muscle". You can only burn fat, and build muscle. Turning fat into muscle is like saying you are going to turn a bottle of Vimto into Dom Perignon.