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  • Muscle Gain
  • Nutrition
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  • Lifestyle
March 20, 2018

Our top 10 nutrition facts

In the world of health and fitness so many nutrition myths are banded about through social media it’s incredibly hard for anyone to decipher the BS from the factual information. We at Fitness Plus have put together a list of 10 nutritional facts.

1. There is no perfect diet for everyone – Despite several marketing claims there is no “diet plan to become leaner or more toned”. There are key basic principles that apply to a diet but there is no one size fits all. All diets have a calorie deficit in common, from Slimming world to a Ketone diet.

2. A lifestyle change is necessary – For long-term sustainable results I’m afraid you will have to do more than some treadmill work and eat a salad.

3. Carbohydrates are not the enemy – Carbs are the best source of energy and more often that not they taste great. Anyone who followed a low carb diet and got a result simply put himself or herself into a calorie deficit over a set period of time.

4. Water is important – Water is essential and literally everyone should make a conscious effort to drink more water. 2-3 litres a day on average is recommended.

5. Fruit and veg are also important - Fruit and vegetables are packed with nutrients and minerals all vital for muscle growth, fat loss and overall health. As well as playing a key part in immune function.

6. You don’t need cheat meals – Classifying food as “good or bad” or as “cheats” should be a thing of the past. Having a binge of potentially thousands of calories each week, just in one sitting, isn’t helping anything.

7. Nutrition is always specific – There is no one size fits all and your own nutrition should always be tailored to your goal. There are certain principles that may apply all round but your diet should be aligned with your goal.

8. Healthy fats are still fats – Eating copious amounts of coconut oil, avocado and egg yolks won’t improve your weight loss. In 1 gram of fat there is 9 calories compared to the 4 calories in a gram of protein or carbohydrate. This means fats can become very calorific.

9. Calorie control always wins – To achieve a specific goal such as fat loss or muscle gain; you must always monitor your calories first before you begin looking at anything else. If you aren’t in a calorie deficit you will not lose weight.

10. Training intensity matters– There is no substitute for hard work, whether you work out in a gym 5 times or week or just enjoy a running outdoors, you simply won’t change your body through coasting along.
